06 September 2009

... and there's that rum!

martiniquaise bat

Pips snout-deep in a classic Martiniquaise ti-punch as served at the justly popular local diner Yva Chez Vava in the tiny, beautiful fishing village of Grand-Rivière.

Quarters of lime squished down onto rough brown lumps of local sucre de canne, and stirred up with as much of the excellent rhum agricole—the golden rhum vieux in this case— as a tipsy bat could wish. A particularly happy small bat as the kind ladies of Yva Chez Vava simply plonk the entire bottle down on the table and bid you to pour away!

Batlet of the Islands

pips de la caraibe

Pips living a travel ad cliché... jewel-hued water, a palm-fringed sandy beach surmounted by verdant hills... and where is that bottle of rum anyway?

08 December 2007

memories of travel: a tribute to the Foodycat and her adventures in Florence

please see the foodycat on divina cucina for a treat!

Firenze - Duomo
a bat's-eye view of beautiful Firenze

Firenze - Vernaccia
an aperitivo of Montepulciano white, while anticipating truffled pecorino

Firenze - Arno
inspecting the Arno for Guelfs and Ghibellines

24 July 2007

memories of travel: the sacred and the profane in london

London - pub
a good beefy stout at a London pub (hic!)

London - St Paul's
sacrosanct St Pauls invaded by bats!

23 April 2007

paddling down Middle Harbour

spring paddle
we are rather fond of messing about in boats...

spring paddling
that's a paddle, thanks... please get your mind out of the gutter!

28 March 2007

open-air opera? tutto bene, ragazzi!

Open-air opera
pips dreams of stardom onstage

19 November 2006

pips, scourge of the sea and feared by clowns!

the bat rules the clown

this octopus looks frankly terrified

face to face with a diver

03 November 2006

pips as art critic

Sketch Critique
the beginnings of a city skyline sketch... a batlet can but ponder...

15 October 2006

pips breaks a sweat: Bridge Run 2006

pips looking faintly nervous at the 2km mark

stopping for a photo op

bravely soldiering on

05 October 2006

Sailing to Port Stephens!

On the 38' yacht, enjoying the breeze—just before exiting the Sydney heads.

We had a good stiff sou'easterly behind us, to hurry us up the coast.

Stepping down into the cabin, after docking safely at D'albora Marina, Nelson Bay.

Snoozing on beautiful Fingal Spit.

Splendid trip with the best of the weather. Billowing green seas in the daytime, a skyful of stars and dolphins larking on the bow-wave at night, and two days' worth of well-deserved beach-lounging. What more could a small bat wish?